Barack Hussein Obama, 44th president of the United States.


Barack Hussein Obama, 44th president of the United States of America; he is otherwise known as, Barry Soetoro.

He is promoted as an African American, a devout Christian, dedicated to the American people and to world peace, in reality he is none of those things.

Barack Obama’s ethnicity comes from his mother who was Jewish; although it is clear that his father is African, it has no significance to his true Jewish racial identity. He is a 33rd degree freemason and a staunch Zionist, both freemasonry and Zionism are 100% at odds with Christianity, they are unarguably antichrist in their essence.

Zionism is an apostasy to the religion of Judaism and freemasonry is worship of fallen angels, these facts shed a new and true light upon Obama’s identity, not an American but an Israeli, not a Christian but a worshiper at the synagogue of Satan, and no friend to the American people.

Obama and his accomplices strive for world governance, they know it as “the new world order”.


Stanley Armour Dunham (1918 – 1992) was Obama’s grandfather on his mothers side, his mugshot is from 1944 France when he was serving in the US Army.

 He is greatly overshadowed by Obama’s other grandfather on his fathers side, for obvious reasons, primarily Stanley Dunham is Jewish and it would not be good for Obama to be seen not just as a supporter of Israel, but as an Israeli masquerading as an American. The other obvious reason is the African heritage from his fathers side, this heritage is the thing that got him elected president, millions supported Obama simply because they perceived him to be an African American.


This is the opening part of an article by David Cohen in the London Evening Times, 16th January 2009.

SIXTY years ago, a Kenyan working for a British army officer in Nairobi was incarcerated in a high-security prison. The 54-year-old cook had become involved in his country's struggle for independence and his British captors brutally tortured him to extract information about the insurgency that later became known as the Mau Mau rebellion.

According to the cook's family, the British held him for two years during which he was "whipped every morning and evening". "They would sometimes squeeze his testicles with metal rods," they recalled. "They also pierced his nails and buttocks with a sharp pin, with his hands and legs tied together.

He was lucky to survive. Some of his fellow inmates were mutilated with castration pliers and beaten to death with clubs."

That cook, we now know, was Hussein Onyango Obama, the paternal grandfather of the American President-elect Barack Obama. His beatings at the hands of the British Army, alongside whom he'd served in Burma during the Second World War, had left him, his family say, "prematurely aged", with "permanent physical scars" and "a lifelong loathing of the British".

The heading for the article read: “Will Obama forgive Britain for his grandfathers torture”.

Black, African, freedom fighter, testicles crushed by whites, it doesn’t get any better than this from the point of view of a propagandist, and therefore no difficult task to quietly relegate the Dunham family to the small print in the Obama portfolio.

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